Gold Standard Token
AuBAR token is currently on the Hedera network. You can trade it on Saucerswap exchange.
We have successfully launched a moonshot on Solana network currently available on Meteora with around 300%. APR LP rewards
We are looking to expand cross chain to other networks
Currently have staked Positions in: BTC, ETH, USDC, BNB, SOL, CRO, MATIC, TRON, LTC, BCH, DOGE, SHIB, TON, ATOM, CTC, NEAR, WAX (for cross chain liquidity)
Currently there are two NFT available (NFT1) (NFT2) with all proceeds being placed into liquidity
A third NFT is in the works and will be released by October 10.
- The Discord Channel is live
- The X is page live
- The telegram is live
​The token supply will be released as pairing tokens become available to the treasury. The foundation will raise funds in pairing tokens to add to the liquidity pool.
The foundation wallet will start with 5% of the supply and pair with wBTC(hts), wETH(hts), wMATIC(hts) and BNB(hts) .
The treasury will be used for pairing to USDC, HBAR, SAUCE, HSUITE .
Liquidity put into the treasury wallet will be there for the life of the blockchain
​Currently doing a liquidity drive:
All HBAR, SAUCE and HSUITE tokens sent to treasury wallet 0.0.4363515 will receive +3% in AuBAR token value back. (make sure to associate AuBAR token 0.0.4365564) NFT Boosters
All USDC, wBTC(hts), wETH(hts), wMATIC(hts) and BNB(hts) sent to foundation wallet 0.0.4432123 will receive +5% in AuBAR token value back. (make sure to associate AuBAR token 0.0.4365564) NFT Boosters Avail.
This project is meant to be run by the holders for the holders.
Creator and devs will buy in at the same rate as everyone else.
Foundation and development will only receive max. 5% of the profit once one is generated.
Remaining 95% of profits will be distributed to the remaining of token holders based off their percentage of holdings of tokens released and held by none foundation wallets.
Looking for people who want to develop one of the strongest tokens on the market with long term goals and value.
Any liquidity added to either the foundation or treasury will remain there for life. (may need token adjustments pending market conditions)
AuBAR will release tokens based off of available tokens to pair to.
Looking for Hedera projects to pair with and help solidify the ecosystem.
Looking for reliable partnerships
Great place to HOLD and develop those MEME coin profits!
The token was founded with the mission of making cryptocurrency more secure and useful for everyone as an investment product. Our team of experienced investors and blockchain enthusiasts are dedicated to creating a platform that is secure, reliable, and easy to use. The token is currently available on the market and growing. An NFT project has been launched for people looking to become part of the foundation of a community. Every NFT purchased is a investment into the tokens liquidity. It will be paid back in AuBAR at a rate of the exchanged token value + a bonus based off the NFT purchased.(AuBAR drop and bonus only applies to original purchase from creator). We are looking for people to build a strong team of investors that can work together as unit. Together we can secure other projects on the hashgraph and blockchains with a foundation of liquidity that continually grows while rewarding its members who hold the token. This project may eventually become a DAO so the holders have more of a say once the original vision has been fulfilled. But lets see where the project goes, jump on discord or telegram and find out more.
We envision a future where cryptocurrency is widely adopted and used in everyday transactions. Our goal is to make assets tokenized. The foundation will acquire assets and through the ownership of the AuBAR token you will receive a percentage of return off of those assets. Tokenization of private assets will begin once the original foundation is laid and enough token volume on the hasgraph is acheived. We would like to be around $200000 USD in liquidity to begin the process of tokenizing a home. That is when the real power of tokenized asset will begin. We will develop either a token totally backed by USDC that will allow you to buy into a home almost brick for brick or a NFT that you can purchase for X amount and be worth X amount of the home. The homes will be rented out and the profits will be returned to the holders based on their holdings. All projects will be funded 5% by the foundation allowing for AuBAR holders to generate more returns. Once a community is developed we can decide which route to go first on the tokenization of RWA. This is a long term project looking for long term members, but people looking to make their profits with the price increases are more then welcome. Owners are buying in at same rate as everyone else making this a great project to get whale status currrently.
​Launch token on Saucer Swap Jan 9/24
Launch first NFT to raise liquidity for token Jan 22/24
Website launch Jan 25/24
Launch Discord Channel to promote token and NFTs Jan 27/24 (under construction)
Launch X account to promote token and NFTs Jan 31/24(under construction)
Launch Prospector NFT at $1500 liquidity Feb 14/24
$2000 for asset accumulation Feb 26/24
Airdrop Live on discord Telegram Aug 8/24
Launch telegram Aug 8/24
Launched liquidity drive to get above $100000 liquidity Aug 8/24
Launched moonshot for Solana network exposure Aug 28/24
Successfully completed moonshot Sept 1/24
Launch Liquidity Gold Mine Owner NFT at $60000 liquidity
Apply for default listing and farm rewards on Saucerswap at $100000
Begin larger asset accumulation, private tokenization and revenue payments at $200000